Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Where are you going to lunch today?

This has to be the question I get asked most often.  I love food, eating out and socializing with friends. In fact my husband has started asking me - so how many days a week  do you eat out?  I must confess that some weeks it was everyday-though not always lunch. I would throw in  a coffee once in a while.

Tonight for instance it was a friends birthday and we decided to go The Corner- a local spot that happens to have trivia on Tuesday evenings. I had a delicous salmon dinner while learning that a Bruin is a bear and the capital of Bosnia is Saryevo.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring. I am going shopping with a friend so I am sure we will have to stop and eat something.

I will let you know what I find.


  1. cool!! can't wait to see more Karen :-)

  2. You need to create a link in your blog posts for the places you visit. That way your readers can go to the restaurant's website. I'm glad you are blogging, it is fun!
